Shell's Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility, which will be deployed in the Browse Basin offshore Northwest Australia, will be the largest floating structure ever built. At 1,601 feet long, the facility will be the length of approx. 10 Olympic swimming pools, and at 600,000 tonnes, weigh six times of that of the largest aircraft carrier.
It will include 260,000 tonnes of steel, about five times more than was used to build the Sydney Harbor Bridge. The facility also will produce enough offtake to supply 90 percent of Hong Kong's energy needs.
Some interesting facts about the ship.
>600 engineers worked on the facility’s design options
>200 km will be the facility’s distance from the nearest land
4 soccer fields, laid end to end, would be shorter than the facility’s deck
175 Olympic-sized swimming pools could hold the same amount of liquid as the facility’s storage tanks
6,700 horsepower will be the power of each of the three thrusters used to steer the facility
50 million litres of cold water will be drawn from the ocean every hour to help cool the natural gas
6 of the largest aircraft carriers would displace the same amount of water as the facility
105 metres is the height of the turret that runs through the facility, secured to the seabed by mooring lines
-162° Celsius is the temperature at which natural gas turns into LNG
1/600 is the factor by which a volume of natural gas shrinks when it is turned into LNG
117% of Hong Kong’s annual natural gas demand could be met by the facility’s annual LNG production
25 years is the time the Prelude FLNG facility will stay at the location to develop gas fields
Prelude floating for the first time.